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  4. Guaranspir Kratom powder

Guaranspir Kratom powder

Dietary supplement “Kratom Guaranspir”

Ingredients: Maeng Da kratom leaves (green, white) 90 g, Spirulina 5 g, Guarana extract 5 g.

Recommendations for use:

Recommended for impotence, lack of energy, to raise the tone and immunity.

Methods of use and recommended doses:

  1. Pour 3-5 grams of food additive into a glass, pour hot water, mix thoroughly, let the drink cool down, drink with thick.
  2. About 3-5 grams of the dietary supplement should be taken orally after a meal with water.

The daily portion of the dietary supplement should not exceed 10 grams.


Not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. It is not recommended to interfere with alcohol, as well as take a food supplement while intoxicated.

Storage conditions:

Store in a dark, dry, cool place out of the reach of children.

It is not a medicinal product.


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The dietary supplement contains:

  • Spirulina is a remarkable algae that boasts an exceptional composition. It is rich in easily digestible protein, 8 essential amino acids, as well as vitamins and trace elements. Consuming Spirulina can enhance vision, exert an anti-inflammatory effect, facilitate detoxification, and boost metabolism.
  • Guarana extract is characterized by its high caffeine content, which is its defining feature. Additionally, it contains tannins, saponin, amide, zinc, sodium, manganese, magnesium, theobromine, theophylline, and vitamins PP, E, B1, B2, A, and guaranine. The caffeine present in this plant is absorbed slowly, thus avoiding irritation of the stomach walls and gently affecting the body. The berries of guarana act as a potent stimulant and are five times more effective than coffee, but without causing heart palpitations and overstimulation. The tannins in guarana aid in the relief of intestinal disorders, while guaranine has a similar effect to theanine found in tea.
  • Kratom, when used in moderation and infrequently, can lead to a general improvement in a person’s mental state. It can foster a desire to live, be productive, enhance mood, improve one’s attitude towards others, and alleviate depressive feelings. In its native region of East Asia, kratom leaves have been chewed by workers and peasants for hundreds, or even thousands, of years during demanding and repetitive work. In modern times, kratom has been widely used before intense sports training. Some studies suggest that moderate consumption of kratom can enhance heart function, regulate blood pressure, stimulate blood vessels, and even reduce blood sugar levels. However, it is essential to note that individual responses to kratom vary, so it’s best to listen to your body.
Weight1000g, 100g, 300g, 500g, 50g


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