Justicia carnea, whose common names include Brazilian featherweed, flamingo flower and jacobinia, is a flowering plant in the genus Acanthus. It is commonly called “Too distant hospital” or “Jesus’ blood”. The leaves of this plant turn red from hot water. These leaves are a reliable blood stimulant and are mostly used by the locals as a cure for anemia.
Justicia carnea is a medicinal plant widely used in Nigeria that is said to have various functions including blood-forming potential.
Researchers have carried out several haematological and biochemical studies of Justicia carnea leaf extract in phenylhydrazine induced anaemia in albino rats.
We’ll skip the details of the experiment itself, the full article will be available at the link (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28703962/) and go straight to the conclusions.
CONCLUSION: Justicia carnea extract not only reversed phenylhydrazine-induced anemia in rats but also improved the lipid profile, which can be attributed to its rich phytochemical, nutritional and vitamin composition. Thus, the results of the study suggest that J. carnea leaves can be used to treat lipid metabolism disorders associated with anemia.
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