Useful properties
Mate contains a huge amount of vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances. It contains vitamins A, B, C and E, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. The xanthines and tannins contained in the mat help strengthen the nervous system, energize and increase stress resistance. Nicotinic and panthenonic acid improve metabolism. Mate disinfects, helps wound healing, lowers blood pressure and reduces cholesterol levels.
There is a separate tradition for brewing and drinking mate. The mate is drunk from a calabash, a special rounded container made of pumpkin, and with the help of a bombilla tube, a metal or wooden tube with a filter that does not let the grass into the mouth. First, the dry tea leaves are poured one-third into the calabash, then the container is shaken and slightly moistened with water. The water should be drinkable, purified, soft and reach a temperature of 80 degrees. Only at this stage is the bombilla inserted inside and the water is poured into the calabasas completely. After 2 minutes, the mate can be drunk by adding boiling water up to 9 times. They start drinking mate from the very bottom. The brew should be changed at the slightest bitterness in the drink. Strong mate has a tart taste with a slightly sweet aftertaste. It is recommended to drink a clean drink, but sometimes sugar and honey are added to it.
Mate is used for gastrointestinal diseases, hypertension, alcohol and nicotine addiction, as well as a variety of diseases that require immune stimulation and the tonic effect of the drink. In men, mate increases the level of potency.
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